Legal information


Kreuzlingerstrasse 71
CH-8590 Romanshorn

Kitchen and Househouldappliances
company management: Frank Maier

Tax Number Switzerland: CHE-107.419.139MWST
fiscal authorities EU: FINANZAMT KONSTANZ
Tax Number: 0941717107
VAT Number: DE 155757671

Website-Layout and software engineer:

PAS solutions GmbH
Oberwiesenstrasse 92
CH-8500 Frauenfeld

Important legal notice

Persons who call up information on webpages of Limatec AG (hereafter „Limatec Website”), agree with the following conditions. All special agreements for single services or products of Limatec AG (hereafter „Limatec“) shall apply in addition to these conditions.

No guarantee for completeness and correctness
The information published on the website is provided by Limatec exclusively for personal use as well as for purposes of information; it can be changed any time and without prior notification. Limatec makes no guarantee (either expressly or implied) for correctness, completeness and currentness of the published information on the Limatec website, even if the necessary diligence was applied in its collection from sources considered to be authentic.

Limitations of Liability 
Limatec excludes without limitation every liability for losses or damages of any kind – be it for direct, indirect or secondary damages – which should arise from the use of- or the access to the Limatec website or from links to websites of third parties.
Limatec does not guarantee that the individual sections of the website function without errors. Moreover, Limatec rejects any liability for manipulations of the internet user’s EDV system by unauthorized persons. At the same time, Limatec expressly points out the danger of viruses and the possibility of targeted hacking attacks. For the purpose of fighting viruses, the use of up-to-date browser versions as well as the installation of continuously updated Anti-virus software is recommended. Opening emails of unknown origin and unexpected email attachments should be strictly avoided.

Use of the Limatec Website
The entire contents (design, text, graphics…) of the Limatec website are protected by copyright. The individual elements of the website belong exclusively to the website operator, Limatec. The saving or printing of individual pages and/or sections of the Limatec website is only permitted with complete references. The respective user regulations are considered to be accepted when saving or performing other reproduction of software or other data on the Limatec website. All rights of ownership remain with Limatec. The (complete or partial) reproduction, transfer (electronically or by other medium), modification, linkage or usage of the Limatec Website is only permitted with express and written approval of Limatec.

Linked Websites (Links)
Certain links on the Limatec website lead to websites of third parties. These are completely separated from the influence of Limatec, which is why Limatec accepts no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and legality of the contents of such websites as well as for all offers and (provision of) services on them.

Limatec AG

Kreuzlingerstrasse 71
CH-8590 Romanshorn
Phone +41 (0)71 466 75 40
Fax +41 (0)71 466 75 49

Office opening hours:

Monday to Friday
9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
14.00 - 16.00
Visits to the showroom kitchens and barbecues only on request.

Online Shop

Visit our online store and see our large selection for yourself.

Online Shop
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